Sort an array using multiple compare functions. Elements are sorted which each compare function in the order they were provided. If two elements are equal according to a compare function, the next compare function is used.
Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(n)
Compare functions to use
A compare function that combines the provided compare functions
const array = [ {a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 1, b: 1}, {a: 2, b: 2}, {a: 2, b: 1},];array.sort( Sort.combine( Sort.descending(x => x.b), Sort.descending(x => x.a), ),);console.log(array);[ {a: 2, b: 2}, {a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 2, b: 1}, {a: 1, b: 1},] Copy
const array = [ {a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 1, b: 1}, {a: 2, b: 2}, {a: 2, b: 1},];array.sort( Sort.combine( Sort.descending(x => x.b), Sort.descending(x => x.a), ),);console.log(array);[ {a: 2, b: 2}, {a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 2, b: 1}, {a: 1, b: 1},]
Sort an array using multiple compare functions. Elements are sorted which each compare function in the order they were provided. If two elements are equal according to a compare function, the next compare function is used.
Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(n)